Sources for Debian GNU/Linux netstd package

Compiling the networking tools:

- make sure you have gcc-2.5.8 and libc-4.5.26 or newer available.

- you need the tcp_wrapper library (libwrap.a). If you have installed
  the netbase package you already have it. Otherwise you have either to
  install the netbase package or you have to install the netbase sources
  and compile the library yourself (you have to set TCPD_DIR at the top
  of the debian.rules file to the location of your tcp_wrapper directory).

- you can define where the tools should be installed. You simply have to
  define the base directory using the DEBDIR variable. To install the tools
  in the directory /work/net you simply have to do:

  debian.rules "DEBDIR=/work/net" dir         # create the target directories
  debian.rules "DEBDIR=/work/net" install     # install programs in /work/net

- other targets are:

  debian.rules        -  compile all programs
  debian.rules clean  -  remove all binaries and object files from the
                         source tree
  debian.rules binary -  create a Debian GNU/Linux binary package
  debian.rules source -  create a source package
  debian.rules dist   -  source, diff and binary targets
  debian.rules diff   -  create diffs for all programs (only useful if you
                         have the original sources installed as well)